I am a painter and a printmaker. My practice began in illustration and has broadened both in scope and media over the course of my career. I work collaboratively and independently across public art, museums, illustration and painting. I bring the skills of 12 years as a professional artist into the participatory contexts in which I work.

In addition to my personal work it is important for me to work outside of the studio as part of larger social structures. My workshop experience is varied and comprehensive: most commonly I work as an artist educator with Bow Arts where I have delivered workshops in schools and youth centres, to young people from diverse backgrounds across London and with special educational needs. In addition to my work with Bow Arts I have taught at the Victoria and Albert Museum, organised pop-up screen printing sessions, and created a giant cyanotype with local families for the Lewisham Borough of Culture celebrations. In all of these examples I have been responsible for devising, arranging materials for, and delivering the workshops.

About Me

Examples of Work

Commissioned / Participatory:

Part of a six metre artwork created for a central space inside the John Roan School in Greenwich. The contents of the piece were developed with Year 7 students at the school through two day workshops.

Personal Work:

‘Wardian Case’ A Screen print which depicts London inside a bottle garden. One of a series of designs where London is encapsulated in a circle, and an example I often use in workshops when introducing the idea of repeating motifs and circular cities.


One of two artworks being created for ‘Figures of Winter Light’, a day workshop I organised as part of the Lewisham Borough of Culture celebrations.

The blue/green background is coated with a cyanotype solution which reacts as it is exposed to sun, fixing the images of the cut-outs as the child stick them on top.

Commissioned / Participatory:

Installation of part of the Deptford Parks Art Trail. This piece is one of 19 that I created along the trail route. The artworks are all based on the history of New Cross and Deptford and were developed through a mixture of co-design with residents and research into the neighbourhood.

Personal Work:

‘The Clearest Way into the Universe Is Through a Forest’ A screenprint which was part of a series of images I created around the theme of pathfinding.