Layered Paintings
These pieces combine a few techniques i've played with over the past few years…

New Work 2023
I've yet to find an appropriate space to show the paintings which I made last year, all of which address or…

After the Event
By now many people will be aware that my wife was hit by a lorry in January of this year and lost her leg as a result. There is a lot to work…

Outside the studio
Over the past 12 years i’ve increasingly worked outside of the studio. A sunbaked strip of pavement in Deptford, The Hackney Caribbean Elderly Organisation…

The John Roan
I’m currently working on an artwork with Bow Arts for The John Roan - a secondary school which is located right on the edge of Greenwich Park in southeast London…

New Print : ‘The Clearest Way into the Universe Is Through a Forest’
This design has been around in some form for a few years, first as a screen print (which at the time I didn’t have the skill to make…

Collaboration with Cuemars
Goodbond (the production and design arm of Cuemars) and I decided to collaborate on Stillness during the first lockdown here in the UK…

New Print : ‘Show Me The Sun’
Depicting two people reaching for the sun was the idea of aerial photographer and good friend..

New Print : Pathfinders II
In all sorts of ways we are searching for clarity and revelation. I've tried to picture this 'seeking out'…

‘A Fine Mess’ 5-8 November at Deptford Does Art (Cancelled)
I'm doing a last minute push right now, proofing colours and trying to make two very different screen prints finished for 'A Fine Mess' which opens next week..

I&V Paintings
These two pieces were portraits commissioned for friends of mine who just moved to NYC. I’ve drawn both I&V before as ..

Interview with Make Magazine
Make Magazine is a fashion, art and beauty magazine and I was happy to feature in their autumn issue. You can read our interview here: www.makemagazine.co.uk

Deptford Parks Art Trail - Update II
Continued work for on 19 postmounted artworks which will be installed throughout Deptford. Before being assembled into the final pieces, these (100+) aluminum parts..
Deptford Parks Art Trail - Update
With the covid 19 outbreak has come massive setbacks and changes to many public projects. Regrettably the large redevelopment that the Deptford Parks Art Trail ..

Painting ‘Starmaker’
Here’s a short edit which shows a little of the way i’ve been working on more recent screen prints. The design is being painted onto clear film, a method of creating *positives which can result in more sensitive and tonal print. The ink is alcohol based, and i’m using mineral spirit to work back into the block areas to create washes.

Interview with Cuemars
I’ve worked with Cuemars for a few years now - their shop on Brick Lane is a sort of deluxe botanical living room, and i’m happy to be one of the few visual artists that features there…

New Print | Fire in the Belly
Screen printing is a flexible process and you can approach it from many ways. Some printmakers barely get their hands dirty, drawing and laying out most of their images digitally.

Dear World Project | Collaboration with Elisa van der Plas & the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging
This collaboration was part of Dear World, a project which explores mental health. It paired seven artists with seven researchers from the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging